Undergraduate students at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 who are within the regular duration of their registered undergraduate programs can apply to the ECAR program. This condition does not apply to first-semester students.
Graduate students at ITU with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 who are within the regular duration of their registered graduate programs can also apply to the ECAR program after participating in short courses offered at ITU.
At the beginning of the semester, students apply through the internet site announced by the Dean of Students by specifying the activity/activities they want to be included in their diploma attachment and will participate in during the semester.
ECAR applications should fall within the scope of the activities listed below:
- Working on scientific research projects conducted within ITU (Istanbul Technical University)
- Serving in project teams within ITU
- Serving in student clubs within ITU
- Participating in short-term educational activities within ITU
- Participating in other non-curriculum activities that comply with the principles
The activities within the scope of ECAR must:
- Be affiliated with our university (ITU)
- Have an advisor pre-determined from our university
- Be related to conscious competencies/skills/achievements
- Involve active participation
Within one semester, a student can register for a maximum of four activities, with one of each defined activity type.
Approved activities are considered as 1 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) and are included in the student's diploma attachment. These activities do not have local credits.